
Transdisciplinary Research on the energy transition at the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy

ToolsBackground documentsWatch the video

Presenting the tools

Area of socio-ecological sustainability transformations

Experimenting with energy advice to home owners, for sustainable building, heating, and ventilation

Tools for knowledge co-production between scientists and practitioners

Co-design of interventions with the home owners in so-called « Reallabore » or « social innovation Living Labs »

Scientific methods for transfisciplinary knowledge integration

Life cycle analysis of use of energy and materials in the regional housing renovation strategy

Agent based modelling of regional effects of the aggregated home owners’ choices

Background documents

Project synthesis

Knowledge as transformative energy. On linking models and experiments in the energy transition in buildings


Project publication

Energy-efficiency impacts of an air-quality feedback device in residential buildings: An agent-based modeling assessment


Project website
